C & L

September seems far away....until you are planning a wedding! We had the opportunity to capture engagement photos of C & L before their upcoming fall wedding, and we are so excited to be celebrating with them in a few short months! 


Sami made a point to incorporate lots of her favorite things into her senior photos, such as her dog and love of ballet! Sunday morning's session was a breeze with this fabulous young lady! My favorite picture is her ballet jump! 

M Family

I've been photographing this group for a couple years now, and we had yet another wonderful family photo session! It wasn't so long ago I was photographing their pregnancy announcement for their youngest, who is now 1 year old! Such a wonderful family! 

W family

I've been photographing this family since their youngest was in mommy's tummy....and I was so thrilled to be taking family photos for them again with their third baby on the way! We are excited to find out if it is a boy or girl, and these two brothers will make awesome big brothers to the new baby! 

P Family

This weekend was all about returning clients! These two twins have grown up so much since their fall session last year! These guys are 18 months now, running, laughing, play...picking up things off the ground and trying to eat it :) All things that good little boys do! 
We had a great evening playing and snapping photos! 

Grace- Senior 2016

I've been having a blast hanging out with these Seniors lately, and Grace was no exception! She brought along her little sister and friend for her session, and we went all around Elkhorn taking photos and having a blast! We even ended her session with some rollerblading! 

Makenna Senior 2016

Makenna is such a beautiful fun loving young lady! We had such a great time walking around Elkhorn taking photos to celebrate her Senior year! She has awesomely long hair, and a beautiful personality! Best of luck to you this year and with your future college plans! 

O Family

It was so much fun seeing the O family again! We did a combo session for Baby O's first birthday, and some family photos! These kiddos are always so much fun to take photos of (and I always am surprised by what color their hair will be that day!) Absolutely love photographing these kids as they grow up! 

Canon 1 Year

This was not the first time Cannon and I have met, but this certainly was my favorite! For his one year session this little guy was moving and grovin all over the place! He had lots of smiles! His mom brought grandpa's old chair to use for photo props, which was such a creative way to incorporate something so special!

H & B

Boy are these two cute or what?? It had been much too long since I'd seen Holly-- we worked together at Starbucks a few years back. We decided downtown Elkhorn was the perfect location for a bit of everything, from barns to field, to train tracks and benches! 

They are busy wedding plan for their big day in her hometown! Congratulations to both of you, you guys were so much fun!

Austin: Senior 2015

Austin was absolutely hilarious during his photo session. He was making me laugh the entire time. He started the session with a serious face that looked  like the Zoolander blue steel face, it was hilarious! Also, who doesn't love that curly red hair! I loved seeing how he interacted with his mom and grandma during the session, such a nice guy! Best of luck to you, Austin,  in your final year of high school! 

Senior 2015: Emery

E is one of the two Senior sessions that I had this Sunday. It was sunny and over 90 degrees....it was hot. She took the heat like a champ and didn't complain once. E had such a great smile and was so comfortable in front of the camera. Also, absolutely love her curly blonde hair!!

Best of luck to you this next year and your future plans after graduation! 

The G Family

I've known this family for a very long time, and they've always been so wonderful! I went to school with these guys, and it was such a treat catching up with everyone. The oldest was in swing choir with me in high school, and I still feel bad for him for always being forced to be my dance partner (dancing I've never excelled at!) This family showed me a great time tonight, and an excellent new location for photo sessions! Such a lovely family!