One Year Cake Smash

It's not every day you turn one year old! This little cutie pie celebrated turning one with a cake smash session! Sometimes by the end of so many smiles and hard work, you're not quite in the mood for cake...but it doesn't stop you from eating it (but maybe you'll cry a little during it!) 
What a handsome guy! 

O Family

My favorite photo from the O family session? Scroll to the bottom to see how 99% of cake smash sessions end (tears!). That being said, I've been photographing this lovely family for a few years now, and I absolutely love these two little girls! Sisters are the best! 

S family

The S family came for a combo 2nd birthday photo session and family photos! I bet you can't guess what this little guy is having as his birthday theme...that's right MICKEY! What a little cutie! 


We had an extra special session with Mason for his birthday---we got to draw with chalk in the park! He was so much fun, and so full of energy! You could tell he was loving his special mom & Mason time! We talked all about his favorite character, Elmo...and what sort of ice cream he would be getting after his session! 

Baby J

We thought it was fitting to take Baby J's 1 year photos at the same park we took his newborn photos! I can't believe an entire year has passed. This kiddo was a riot, giggling, walking and all around have a blast with his balloons! Happy Birthday Baby J! 

H Family

It was so good to see little E again, this time for his 1 year pictures! His mom had such a cool vision for his photos, and bought along one super fun prop...a motor cycle! She went all out, putting a fax tattoo on little E and making him look like a rockstar! 

Canon 1 Year

This was not the first time Cannon and I have met, but this certainly was my favorite! For his one year session this little guy was moving and grovin all over the place! He had lots of smiles! His mom brought grandpa's old chair to use for photo props, which was such a creative way to incorporate something so special!

Nora 1 Year

We had the absolute pleasure of scheduling a session with Nora while we were in Colorado this month! This month was her 1st birthday and she is an absolute joy! 
Nora can tell you how old she is (by holding up 1 finger) she shows you how to put on lotion (hilarious!) she can mimic just about anything you say! Precious!! 
Happy Birthday Nora! 

Smash The Cake

This little girl will be turning one year old very soon! We had an awesome "Smash the Cake" session with this sweet little girl. I've found parents are often surprised when their kiddos aren't too thrilled to be getting messy cake all over them. We get lots of tears at these sessions, but Baby S handled it so well! Encouragement for all moms thinking of doing one of these sessions, even if their are tears, we still make it look like these little ones are having the time of their life tearing into a cake!