Senior 2018

This gorgeous young lady is a soccer player and just started her Senior year of high school this week! Although the weather was iffy at the end of her session, we had a lovely first half (and are rescheduling the second half ) of her senior session! 

Lilly- Senior 2018

Watch out world...Lilly is graduating soon! This lovely young lady is my baby cousin, and to think she is all grown up and starting her Senior year of high school! We had a great time in Lincoln capturing this exciting time! 


Elliott is a Senior this year and on his way to picking a college for next year! He is super into computers and most of what we chatted about went over my head. However, I want to wish him best of luck next year! 

Jessica- Senior 2017

Jessica is one of the last senior sessions we have booked for this season! She totally rocked her session, and even brought mom in for a shot or two (which I loved!) She has decided to go to school to be a teacher next year! 

Y family

The Y family had a combination Senior and brother session this week! What does that look like? Senior photos with brother thrown in for a couple since we all know once kids get past the age of about 3...we tend to forget to take family photos to document how much they have changed! 

Kate Class of 2017

This gorgeous young lady is going to be graduating high school next year, and plans to start the teaching college here at UNO! We had to reschedule the tail end of her session due to weather, but we got plenty of fantastic shots before the rain arrived! 

Megan Class of 2017

I knew Megan when she was probably just 5 years old, and it was so fantastic to see how much she has changed! Such a beautiful smile! We were joined by her BFF Riley at the end of the photo shoot to do a little best friend session! They are hoping to be roommates next year in college! 

Senior 2017

This lovely young lady is crazy athletic (and super tall) which made for some great props for her Senior photos this week! She plays both soccer and basketball, and is having a hard time deciding where she will go to college until she knows what sports she will be playing! What a great session! 


Sami made a point to incorporate lots of her favorite things into her senior photos, such as her dog and love of ballet! Sunday morning's session was a breeze with this fabulous young lady! My favorite picture is her ballet jump! 

Senior 2017

The perfect way to spend a Friday evening is in the old market! This lovely lady is a Senior this year, and she looked absolutely fabulous in her senior photos! Can't wait to be sharing these with her soon! 

Alex- Senior 2017

The second twin in our Senior photo session is Alex. Alex is into weight lifting, plans to stay in town for college, and had a study abroad in Switzerland! Both of these girls did so great during their session (despite the extra 20 min rain downpour!). We loved ending the session with some twin sister pictures together! 

Kerstin- Senior 2017

Two fantastic twin sisters came to have a combined photo session, but I wanted to highlight them each individually! Both were absolutely stunning, but had their differences! This lovely lady loved cross country, knows she wants to go away for school (but not sure what she wants to do yet) and loves Paris almost as much as I do :)

Emma- Senior

Emma was a complete joy to photograph for her Senior session! Her mother kept saying she was a bit of a tomboy, which you never would have recognized for as gracefully as she wore these beautiful dresses in her session! 

Ben Senior 2017

Ben met me for Senior photos this week, he will be graduating from Millard West next year and is thinking about become a vet! His photo session went great, but I will say he made me feel a bit old when I mentioned my 10 year reunion was this year! Thanks for the great session Ben! 

Abbey- Senior

Abbey came to me to celebrate her high school graduation! Since we often do Senior photos about a year before graduation, she wanted some more recent photos to really capture this exciting time in her life! Good luck Abbey!