C Family

This great looking family is another of our Denver clients, and this time we got to meet even more of their family in an extended family session! We had a gorgeous cloudy day in Colorado for these sessions, and absolutely love photographing these kiddos each year! 

G Family

Four or so times a year, we get out to Denver and schedule sessions. We've been capturing the G family for about 3 years (before they even had this beautiful little girl and baby boy!) They are so special to us, and this has been one of my all-time favorite sessions! 

Colorado Family

Whenever possible we travel to Colorado to capture our friends and family there! This winter we caught up with this extra awesome extended family as part of our Denver sessions! What a great group of people!

Denver Cont.

Our second Denver session was a hit as well! These boys had so much personality, and were just a joy to photograph! You can tell they love hanging out with each other...look below for photos of their brotherly love! 

Denver Session

A few times a year we make it a point to travel out to Denver and visit some of our clients out there! We had a blast visiting over the holiday weekend, and meet this awesome family! Looking forward to our next visit out there to capture them again!  

C Family

This is the second time we've captured this Denver family for photos...and everyone has changed so much! Last time these two twin boys were in their cribs, just under a year old...and now they are so big! The girls are awesome big sisters, and everyone had a great time at the park! We love taking photos whenever we go to Colorado and hope to see everyone again soon! 

G Family

This extra special little girl had an extra special photo session just to capture this fun time in her life. It was all about "Mommy and Me" which means the two of them get to play and do things they love, while I capture some of the fun. 
I'm learning quickly that kids grow up way too fast, and they change so much. Very soon this little girl will be a big sister, and her new baby brother will be a big part of her life. She is excited, and so is mom...but that doesn't mean they shouldn't savor every moment of their family of three! 

M Family

The M Family is one of my most loyal and awesome of the Colorado clients that we photograph whenever we are in town. This time they picked downtown Denver for their family photos....and I loved the idea! We don't get downtown enough when we visit, and this was such a cool place for this Rockies loving family!

A family

It has been a couple years since I photographed the A family, and these guys have grown so much! One will be starting college in the next year, the other has a few years before he decides to join the Air Force...and the last young lady I never would have recognized she has just grown so much! 

P Family

This was the first time I had the pleasure of photographing the P family...and what a joy it was! While dad was out of town, we did a sibling session (and threw mom in for a couple too). These kiddos are awesome, and did such a great job!

G family

This family is also extra special to me, as I spent a semester traveling around the world with this adorable momma! I love that about once a year I get to visit her in Colorado while we are there for sessions, and its been just wonderful seeing her little girl grow! She is now 1 year old and walking like crazy! 

M family

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love this family. I've been photographing them for about 3 years now, and I just love them. Each time we go to Denver, we try to schedule a lineup of sessions, because we have so many wonderful clients here! Love these girls and seeing how much they've grown! This year we had 4 sessions at Fly'n B Park in Highlands Ranch!

M Family

We had such a WONDERFUL time in Denver this weekend! We lined up sessions with some fantastic families, both our regulars as well as new ones! We try to get photos with thing gang at least once a year, and last time it was right after their youngest was born! She is growing up so fast, and I loved seeing the bond between little sister and big!

L Family

The L family was one of my new clients on our weekend trip to Denver for photo sessions! The weather was just beautiful (especially considering that it snowed earlier in the week!) We had a great time playing, running, and enjoying the beautiful outdoors! 

Baby Harper

Hello World...meet Harper! She is just 5 days old in these photos...and just precious! There were absolutely no tears during her session and we had a great time just hanging out and taking a few photos in her nursery! Just looking at these photos makes me want to cuddle her all over again! 


The G Family

I cannot say enough wonderful things about the G family! One of my good college friends married into this family, and they all came home for Thanksgiving! What a great time to take family photos! Also...such a small world! When one of their children met me, she recognized me right away...her husband was roommates with my brother-in-law in college! What a small world! We had a great snowy family session! One of the many reasons I encourage clients to get out in the snow whenever possible! 

Combo Session

We did a super fun combo session in Denver with this family! We took a few Senior photos of one sister, and at the same time did family photos for her two nephews! I always love making it out to Colorado a couple times a year to plan sessions! The snow is always so beautiful! 

The C Family

This time of year, home sessions are some of my favorites! Especially with this family who had a new home to celebrate and photograph with their ever expanding family! I had the pleasure of kicking off my Denver sessions with the C family. We had a blast, and even stepped outside for just a moment to make sure to capture a bit of the beautiful snow. Make sure to scroll down and see how awesome the twin boy's bedroom is! 

Nora 1 Year

We had the absolute pleasure of scheduling a session with Nora while we were in Colorado this month! This month was her 1st birthday and she is an absolute joy! 
Nora can tell you how old she is (by holding up 1 finger) she shows you how to put on lotion (hilarious!) she can mimic just about anything you say! Precious!! 
Happy Birthday Nora! 

Skylar: Senior 2015

One of my favorite things to do when I travel is set up photo sessions while I go! Skylar is a Senior this year, and I met her when she was a bridesmaid at a wedding I was photographing. What a coincidence that she was from Castle Rock, just a few minutes away from my in-laws. We went to visit this weekend and were able to schedule an amazing sessions at one of my favorite areas of the city. The antique stores around here are amazing, and we had a blast photographing around "The Barn" where vendors sell their antiques and handmade gifts. 
Skylar had such a great photo session too. We talked about her future college plans and had a great session! Best of luck to you this year!