B Family

The B Family were just great for family photos! We drove up to the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. B and captured the entire family, grandkids and all for their family photos! 


Baby June took a few extra days to arrive, but that gave her parents plenty of time to prepare! They are just in love with her, and have the cutest little nursery just down the street from our first home. We loved getting to capture this special little girl! 

S Family

This little guy surprised mom and dad by showing up early, but thankfully mom is very familiar with all things pregnancy and baby related (she is in her residency for OBGYN!) We loved this guy's airplane nursery! 


Our little Lorelai is turning 7 months old, and she picked Cinderella for this month's photoshoot! This girl cleaned grandma and grandpa's house for them during her photo session (that is everything that was a foot off the ground, because that was as high as she could reach!) 

G Family

This extra special little girl had an extra special photo session just to capture this fun time in her life. It was all about "Mommy and Me" which means the two of them get to play and do things they love, while I capture some of the fun. 
I'm learning quickly that kids grow up way too fast, and they change so much. Very soon this little girl will be a big sister, and her new baby brother will be a big part of her life. She is excited, and so is mom...but that doesn't mean they shouldn't savor every moment of their family of three! 

Home Session- Newborn

A new addition to any family is something to be celebrated! We celebrated the addition of the B Family's new little girl by taking photos in their home! Home sessions are so special, because they capture your little ones in their own environment, and captures your life at that exact moment!  These two sisters are bound to have so many adventures together!

Lorelai- Nursery Session

Our little girl is 3 weeks old, and we finally felt a little less tired and up for the challenge of her nursery photo shoot! (It required me to do something with my hair, which I haven't done since before she was born...so I made sure I was good and ready to spend time on this, rather than precious sleep). It's amazing to think all that work we put into decorating the nursery, and she is finally here living in her room. We laughed about how we had this room closed off ever since we bought the home, because we found out we were expecting about a week before putting in the offer here (so we had earmarked this room as the nursery the whole time) and now it seems we are spending every waking moment in here with our girl feeding her, changing her, or rocking her to sleep (then falling asleep ourselves). 
We just love her so much, and especially now when she is sleeping :) 

M family

The M family added a new little someone to the family last month...and what a perfect time for capturing updated family photos! I loved seeing how big brother liked to "tickle" his little sister!! And he did SUCH a good job holding her (with mom very close and helping out!) What a perfect early Christmas gift for the M Family!

H family

With busy kid schedules, this family of 7 did a home session right after school to make sure they had time to get everyone in for photos! We squeezed them in before a soccer game last minute, which worked out great!  I always love meeting new clients this time of year! 

R family

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I loved this family photo session! First, I loved that we took photos at the R family's new farm outside of Omaha. I'm your typical city girl...so it isn't often I get to take photos with chicks, sheep, farm cats and rumor has it some pigs near by! This fantastic family put up with the crazy hot day we had, and got some fantastic photos of the gang! 
My personal favorite photo is the kids holding their cats!! 

Baby C

Catherine was born about 2 weeks ago, and we loved seeing her for newborn photos! Her 20 month old brother just adored this little girl, and you can tell they will be the best of friends! 


Meet Edison! His mom is a patent attorney so they named this little guy after Thomas Edison! Which means we had a light bulb themed shoot for part of the session. 
It was just last year that we were photographing the parents at their wedding in the Old Market....we love revisiting wedding couples and capturing their other wonderful life events! 

H family

This little guy was born just a few short days ago, and we had a home session with his big brother (now almost 2) to celebrate! What a cutie, he was awake and so squirmy during his whole session that he made the best faces and was such a doll! 
Big brother did awesome too, and is so proud of his little brother! 

Baby H- 1 Week

It's been one week since I went to visit this little girl in the hospital when she was just hours new! We went to visit her in her new home, and needless to say she is settling in very nicely! Big sister is already loving and her all the time, and she is very helpful in cuddling and calming her little sister! 

Noah- 3 years

I've been watching Noah grow up for quite some time now, and so far this year (age 3) has been my favorite! He is so great at talking about everything he sees, and loves to explore! I got quite the workout in chasing this guy around the trees and park to get some photos to remember this fun age! 

M Family

We had a home mini session with the M family this past week! We were celebrating this guy turning 1 year old! We gave him some cupcakes and let him enjoy throwing them (often onto the carpet!) and tasting a bit of frosting, but seemed to like playing more than the eating! 

Lucille- 6 Months

We visited sweet baby Lucille in her nursery for her 6 month photos! This little girl is rocking 6 months, sitting up on her own and even likes to hang onto things (with daddy's help) to hold herself standing! Such a cutie!