B Family

It has been almost 3 years since I photographed the B family...and boy have these two grown up! Last time I was chasing them constantly, and this time they were all about smiling for the camera! 

O Family

We had a great time with the O family this weekend capturing the entire family! Many of them traveled from out of town to spend time together this weekend, and what a great excuse to update the family photo! They picked a beautiful fall day for photos, and the girls all did such a great job! 

D Family

This precious little girl is turning two! Her personality is so amazing, what a wonderful spirit. I especially loves her twirly dress and her obsession with "poof poofs" (aka dandelions) that she would waive in the wind! 

P Family

We had a wonderful time seeing the P family again...and were excited to hear they are adding another boy to their family very soon! These twins are an absolute riot, and I can't wait to see how they welcome their new baby brother!

E Family

The E family is expecting a new little girl! We've loved seeing how much the family has grown over the past few years, and we could not be more thrilled for their 2018 addition! 

T Family

The T family brought the family dog to their session this year! He hasn't been doing so well lately, and we hope the medicine he is on continues to improve his way of life...but we are so glad he came to our session and we were able to capture this special time with the kids! 

J Family

Our first set of fall mini sessions were a hit! And this amazing family has grown so much over the past year! This is our 4th year of photographing the J family, and they never disappoint! 

S Family

Not only did I get this cutie for one of my mini sessions...but he brought his best bud "Roar" to take photos with! We got to roar like dinosaurs at the session, eat some smarties (which is just about the perfect candy to bring to photo sessions since it is low mess!) and run around!

B Family

This kid had SO MUCH energy---and I loved him for it! Its always so rewarding when you're able to run around and get smiles of energetic little dudes! This guy loved watching the airplane go by, cars, and dogs! 

F Family

These two siblings are just the cutest!!! I absolutely loved photographing them! It was a hot day out, but they handled it like champs! We loved bringing out our new chair for sessions---it fit both of them perfectly! 

G Family

A few years ago we were celebrating the new marriage of Mr. and Mrs. G....and now they have this sweetest little boy (born just days after our Lorelai). It was so much fun to see them again, and compare notes on what raising a 6 month old has been like---we are both new moms, and went to the same law school together--so its always nice to catch up! 
They have the sweetest little family of three and we had so much fun photographing them! 


Mason turned 6 years old, and he is just the most handsome little guy there is! He is chatty, sweet and all around awesome! He gives me the best smiles, and was happy to stay up a little later than his bedtime to model for his 6 year photos! 

V family

For Mother's Day we treated my mom to a family photo session! This is her first Mother's Day as a grandma, and she is a grandma 2x over! Selfie photo sessions are never easy for us, but between myself and my awesome 2nd shooter (and husband) we got some wonderful shots!