Lilly- Senior 2018

Watch out world...Lilly is graduating soon! This lovely young lady is my baby cousin, and to think she is all grown up and starting her Senior year of high school! We had a great time in Lincoln capturing this exciting time! 

Aviana- Hospital Session

This is my sweet little niece Aviana! She was born in July, and we were so excited to go visit her at the hospital for her first photo shoot. We got photos of the grandparents and family holding her for the first time. It was a long day for mom and baby, but we did get to go see her finally at about 10:00 at night, and revisit the next morning to continue her session! Such a cutie! 

Gass Wedding

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gass who were married in Lincoln this past month! We LOVED the chance to go to the capitol for photos (one of my favorite spots) and had a blast celebrating with these two! 

Averie -1 year

I cannot believe this little ball of sunshine is 1 year old already! Averie could teach some serious life lessons with this session:
1. Smiling is the best
2. Balloons make everything better
3. Sometimes, you've just got to drive head first into your birthday cake

Loved taking photos of this girl over the past 12 months!

Capitol Lincoln

We scheduled a whole day of sessions in Lincoln this weekend, but sadly the rain kept us from holding them outdoors! Fortunately one of my favorite places in all of Omaha is the State Capitol Building...which made for an easy switch for these two boy's sessions! 

Kinglsey Wedding

Let me just start with saying the Kingsley wedding was beautiful, and the bride stunning! We had a record setting warm October day in Lincoln, and we took full advantage of the beautiful outdoors for photos! Especially at sunset...which is one of my favorite times to take photos!! These two embraced the fall theme, adding some pumpkins to their decor! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Kinglsey! 

Cody Senior

Had a great session with Cody on Saturday in Lincoln! We started out at Pioneers Park (one of my personal favorite spots in Lincoln) and ended at the Haymarket! Cody, a baseball player with a good head on his shoulders, will is excited for his Senior year and college plans in 2016! 

Craddock Wedding

This weekend we had the absolute pleasure of capturing a beautiful wedding in Lincoln, NE! These two lovebirds were an absolute pleasure to photograph! Their entire day was filled with so much love and celebration! 
There were so many special little touches to their wedding, like the photos of grandparents around the brides bouquet, and her grandmothers handkerchief that was presented to the bride that morning.  Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Craddock! 

Baby A

I've been photographing this family for about 4 years now! I've watched them grow from a family of 3, to a family of 3 plus their dog, and now a family of 4! It was high time I made it out to Lincoln to photograph their newest member, Baby A who is now 8 months old! What a cutie! 

A & C

Talk about one cute pregnant lady! I've watched this couple over the years, from dating to marriage and now waiting for their new baby girl to arrive! These two have had so many awesome life events, like graduating from law school, becoming a lawyer, buying a house...all in the last 2 years! Congratulations you two! 

Poe Wedding

Last month I had the pleasure of photography the Poe wedding in Lincoln! This wedding had so many great stories and unique touches that went along with her big day. For example, the dress was her mothers, which was altered (to remove the poofy sleeves) looked gorgeous! The two families have actually known each other for years, as they were in a play group together as children, precious right?? Such a beautiful day! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Poe! 

The H Family

This weekend I had the opportunity to schedule Lincoln sessions with my clients who started coming to me when I was based out of Lincoln! I first started taking pictures of this family when their oldest was a few months old (we put him in a suitcase for photos!) and their family has grown so much!
Each time I take pictures, I learn little tricks on how the parents get their kids to smile. These guys both loved to roar like dinosaurs, and the world to get them to smile was "Cheese...Burger!" So cute! We had a great time at the park! 

L Family: Maternity

I've had the pleasure of watching the L family grow these past 4 years. From meeting their son, to taking photos of their new puppy (now a full grown dog) and celebrated with them during their gender reveal a few months ago when they found out they were having a boy! 

They little boy will be arriving in a few short weeks, and I'm so excited to meet him! We held this session in their backyard and in their new home. I loved catching up with the L family, and can't wait to meet baby A! 

Baby B- 10 Weeks

My cousin and her beautiful baby boy came to visit us this week. He is just precious, and probably the most calm little guy I've ever met. He has a full head of dark brown hair, and is just beautiful. Yes, I'm a bit biased when it comes to my family, but this little guy is just a sweetie. He loves cuddling and even smiling on occasion. 

The J Family

This weekend I had the pleasure of taking a little trip to Lincoln for a photo shoot. This family was just wonderful, and brought me to Lincoln to take photos for their parent's 50th anniversary! We got in plenty of photos with the grandkids and family! 
What a great looking family, and what a fun way to celebrate something so special! 

The H Family

Finally the weather is getting warmer and we are able to go outside more with little kiddos! This awesome family I've watched grow the last 2 years. I went from taking 6 month photos of the oldest, to his first birthday party, to newborns of his little this great family photo session. We spent an hour walking around the Haymarket in Lincoln (during state basketball we quickly realized!) And these guys did awesome! I love being able to document a growing family, they were just wonderful! 


This is Cleocatra (Cleo for short). She is my cousin's hairless cat. You'd never guess from the looks of it, but she has quite a pleasant demeanor. Another surprise, her peach fuzz hair makes her amazingly soft. 
She is just full of surprises :)

I love photographing her when she comes to visit from Oklahoma, because whatever angle, whatever lighting, however she poses...she always looks like a cat that will attack you when you sleep. Our family loves our pets, and we are very much cat people! Pet sessions are some of my favorite sessions, no crying, no complaining, just good ole fashion fun playing with the pets while photographing! 

A & C Engagement

A&C are some of my favorite people. "A" (the female in the photo) went to law school with me and I was just so thrilled when they got engaged. These two are true dog lovers, insisting on having their dog in engagement photos. He was such a trooper :) We did these photos on East Campus, where A and I spent the majority of our time the last 3 years. 
Looking forward to their wedding next year!