Home Session- Newborn

A new addition to any family is something to be celebrated! We celebrated the addition of the B Family's new little girl by taking photos in their home! Home sessions are so special, because they capture your little ones in their own environment, and captures your life at that exact moment!  These two sisters are bound to have so many adventures together!

M Family

This weekend was all about extended family photo sessions, and we kicked the weekend off with the M Family! I loved all their bright colors for photos, and we just barely missed the rain on Saturday...which made for some perfect weather for taking pictures! All the kids were just perfect (thanks in large part to the cooler of treats that were carried around!) 

Baby D

I just have to say how special this family is to me! I practically traveled around the world with this new mom back in college (China, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia), and never would have guessed we would both marry into the same family. At the time we met, she was dating her now husband, who is the cousin of my husband, Kevin. It was some maneuvering on the part of these two that brought Kevin and me together.
We had the absolute pleasure of traveling down to Oklahoma City for this session! We could not be more thrilled they are now a family of three, and are so excited to watch Darci grow!